We are Recruiting!

Check out the interactive map to view our Station Locations and coverage areas.

Click on the icons to get more information about each station.

Classes of membership in the Department:
  1. Member – A member having full voting and office holding privileges. Members maintain all necessary training required by department guidelines, department Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and applicable laws.
  2. Auxiliary Member – Auxiliary members provide vital support to department business and operations. Auxiliary members follow all Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  3. Probationary Member – A member in “learning status” with a view toward achieving active membership. Probationary member won’t hold a position of authority or any position on the Board of Directors, drive department vehicles, or operate department equipment. Probationary members follow all Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
  4. Explorer – A member between the age of at least fourteen (14) and younger than eighteen (18) won’t hold a position of authority. Explorer follow all Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

Department membership basic requirements:

  1. A membership application packet must be completed by any prospective member and submitted to the Administration Department.
  2. To qualify for membership, with no criminal background, able and willing to take drug test, and driving record screening of the prospective member must be done.
  3. The prospective member shall attend a prospect interview with a Member of the Personnel Committee.
  4. The probation period following induction will last for six (6) consecutive months from the date of the vote. Exceptions may be made by the Chief.
  5. During the probation period, the probationary member must fulfill requirements established in respective SOG(s).
  6. If the prospective member fails to meet any qualification or requirement for membership the prospective member shall be promptly notified in writing and given the reason(s) why he/she will not be inducted as a member.
  7. No current member shall lose his or her membership due to his or her home being annexed by a city.

Check out the interactive map below to view our Station Locations and coverage areas.

Click on the icons to get more information about each station.